Myself and 3 other cohorts – Marissa, Megan, and Catherine- all attended Miss Mary’s church this morning. We were welcomed with warm smiles, firm handshakes, and several comments along the lines of ‘‘job well done.” I saw many familiar faces that have stopped by Mary’s house the past month or two, and we exchanged stories (setting off the alarm was top of the list haha). As the service neared, we all scootched into the pew behind Miss Mary.
“You know, I really wanted that tub IN the house” Mary boldly stated.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah Miss Mary, I know it! You haven’t forgotten to tell me that!” I laughed
“Annd I want-"
I gave her a big grin, stopped her, and jokingly said-
“Miss Mary, now isn’t the time to tell me what you want! I’m not about to go changing things now, I’m finished!”
Miss Mary smiled warmly. “I’ve got a new house now.”
Marissa, Megan, and Catherine make Mary's tub into a flower planter
She isn’t one to sugar coat nothin’. She is stubborn, she knows what she wants, and she’ll bug the heck out of ya til she either A) gets what she wants or B) til the cows come home. (and she'd agree with me on all of that!) Mary wants to be home. And she knows that I’m the one leading the swinging of the hammers, and so every day she would press – when can I move in? (or, even better yet, "I'm moving in.")
Her excitement to move home was palpable today… I'm so excited for her.
This past Tuesday, there were 3 volunteers who came to help finish the punchlist at Mary's house. Len, Kathy, and Peter all came to help out for the week, but would find themselves being shuffled around to a different house for T-F. Marissa & Josh (fellow site sup’s) also came to the Westbank to help me out. Marissa & Josh spent the majority of the day under the house TyVek’ing the insulation. Len, Kathy, and Peter were scraping windows, painting, recaulking, and cleaning floors- they finished all the work inside the house, so that the following day I just had a few small tasks to complete. Thanks you three!
Peter & Len goofin' around... get back to work!
Wednesday, Marissa & I spent the entire day together finishing out the punchlist. Unfortunately, we poorly timed the installation of the shower’s handicap bars, and couldn’t finish due to breaking a tiling bit, and being unable to figure out how to install the tub handles… we stayed til 6 trying to get everything else looking perfect.
Tuesdays crew- Marissa, Me, Kathy, Len, and Peter (Josh taking the photo!)
Thursday I started work on my new house, with 13 volunteers, a room full of insulation, and 104 sheets of drywall.
I was excited to start on a new home, but felt like I needed some decompressing time after finishing Mary’s house. A little reflection time. Seeing a house go through the stages to completion is an incredible feeling. There was lots of blood, sweat, and tears put into that house, with many different peoples imprints left in the walls, the floors, the rafters. Though the house is currently vacant, I am able to reflect on the many groups that have come through, and know that the house radiates with love. I go back to the APO girls who installed the last few sheets of drywall, to Raj spending days using 45-mud, to Lydia from the NY group who left great messages of God’s love on the backs of baseboard, to the sisters Moni & Anna who climbed under the house to install insulation. I get to be captain of an incredible team that often doesn’t get to meet each other, but continues to work off each other’s progress – its so cool!
So to those of you who’ve helped along the way, THANK YOU.
I’ve heard through the grapevine that the Jefferson Parish wants to have a big party for Mary (and we, SBP, want to too!)… info about that will be forthcoming.
Oh, and thanks to Maryanne & Val who donated a Home Depot gift card to make Mary’s tub into a planter in the backyard! We planted everything today, looks great ☺
Mary's bedroom!
Front (spare) bedroom
Utility Room
Pretty shower!
We coulda used this about 2 months ago... haha
From kitchen to bathroom
Well played and well done, my friend!