Dolores, Jesse, Sam, Miss Yolanda, Izzy, and Mitch
I don't want to be done. But, I do. But, I don't. It's not easy to let go of something that you've spent so much time & effort towards completing. Two weeks ago I just wanted to be done. Now, I just want to clean the house til every speck of dust & paint is GONE. I want to fix every tiny little detail to make it spic n' span & "Housekeeping" magazine worthy. But, that's not what we're about here at SBP. We want to give the highest quality of house possible, but we strive to have a continually spinning wheel of homeowner turnover. Miss Yolanda, this is your home. It is complete. It was made with love. It is blessed. May it serve you and your family well.
I had a great way to end out my time at Miss Yolanda's. A group from Centenary College in New Jersey, 6 of them, helped finish the shoe mold, the caulking, the painting, the grouting, and the cleaning of the house. Mel, a reporter from the school, Dolores her friend, Jesse & Mitch (nephew & son of past trip leader), and Sam & Izzy - college students.
Nicole (site sup) and Sam
Thursday and Friday, Dolores, Izzy,and Sam spent their time with me to finish up odds and ends. It was laid-back but productive, and I got to spend a significant amount of time just being goofy with Sam & Izzy. 'sho'! It was a different atmosphere than the past 7 weeks, but a nice change of pace.
Jesse and Izzy caulking
On Friday around 2:00 I had the girls all cleaning floors and I decided to begin moving garbage, etc. from around the outside of the house. My klutzyness does not falter, and I grabbed a garbage bag that apparently had something in it that was sharp. I gave myself a nice cut, and decided to get it stitched... to my dismay, I only got glue and a band-aid and a couple well-wishes...oh, and a hefty co-pay. But, now 5 days later, the wound is pretty healed, and I can't use it as an excuse not to do work anymore. haha bummer!
Thanks guys for all your help. We did it. We DID IT!
The week of January 8th i'm filling in as a co-site-supervisor for a house that has 27 volunteers from 7am-3:30pm. The following week I may begin on a house that Nicole & I will be working on together to completion.
Dolores shining up the windows
Crazy to see the house finished.. so happy for that family. Thanks again for your leadership and passion! :)